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How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

Most tummy tuck Adelaide are outpatient procedures. This means that you can return home the same day. Nevertheless, even an outpatient procedure has risks and complications, and patients should carefully follow all postoperative instructions. Any pain or discomfort should be immediately reported to your surgeon.

Cost of tummy tuck in Adelaide

Several factors influence the cost of a tummy tuck. One of the most important is the surgeon’s experience and training. Surgeons are specialising in body contouring charge more than average for their services. Experienced surgeons have the experience and expertise to provide optimal patient results. For more information about tummy tuck Adelaide, visit abdominoplasty now. 

tummy tuck AdelaideMedicare will usually cover at least part of the costs of abdominoplasty. However, there are specific criteria that a patient must meet. If you meet these criteria, you may qualify for a Medicare rebate. If you don’t meet these criteria, you may want to find another surgeon for this procedure.

An abdominoplasty generally involves removing excess abdominal skin and tightening the underlying musculature. This results in a flatter, firmer look for the patient. However, this procedure can negatively affect weight control, especially if it leads to persistent rashes and skin irritation. It is also not a weight loss surgery and is not meant to substitute for a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Recovery period

After your tummy tuck Adelaide, you will need to rest for a few days. You may feel tightness in your abdomen and be unable to stand straight. You should also avoid strenuous exercise during this period. Ideally, you can return to regular activities in two to three weeks. You will also be required to wear a compression garment for up to six weeks.

Scarring from tummy tuck Adelaide is normal but may affect your self-confidence. Thankfully, most scars will heal over time with proper oral hygiene and acceptable skincare practices. The most common side effect is mild discomfort.


Tummy tucks are a popular cosmetic surgery, but they do carry risks. Surgical procedures on the abdominal wall can leave skin damaged and cause scarring. There is also a chance of infection and abscess. Fortunately, these complications are relatively rare and can be easily treated. For more information about tummy tuck Adelaide, visit abdominoplasty now. 

Some insurance policies will cover the hospital and anaesthetist costs of a tummy tuck Adelaide, but not the entire cost. Depending on your private insurance plan, the hospital charges can be as much as $6,800. Then, you’ll have to pay an additional $2,000 or so for the anesthesiologist’s fee. In addition, you’ll have to pay GST on top of all these expenses.

Several days after your tummy tuck Adelaide, you may have some pain in your tummy and will be unable to exercise for a couple of weeks. Your surgeon may also suggest that you stay in the hospital overnight, which can add to the cost of the procedure.

Dr Marcus Wagstaff

If you have been unhappy with your stomach and want to improve your appearance, Dr Marcus Wagstaff can help you. He is a highly qualified plastic surgeon with 12 years of experience. He is a member of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. He also performs breast augmentation and liposuction procedures.

The cost of a tummy tuck in Adelaide varies depending on the surgeon and the type of surgery. Anaesthetists’ fees can run from $2,000 to $3,000, and most hospitals have an hourly rate that varies. Therefore, it is wise to meet with several surgeons before deciding. An initial consultation can cost around $250.

Dr Erfan Rahbaar

Dr Erfan Rahbaar is a specialist in aesthetic surgery. Having a background in sports medicine and general practice, he has developed superb attention to detail. He has served as the Chairman of the Sports Medicine Australia Conference and was Team Doctor for the Adelaide 36’ers basketball team. He is genuinely interested in patients’ health and well-being and enjoys enhancing their confidence through cosmetic surgery.

If you are considering liposuction to correct the appearance of your tummy, you will want to find a plastic surgeon with the experience and expertise to perform the procedure. The surgeon should also have a good reputation for cosmetic procedures. He will be able to assess your needs and give you a customised treatment plan based on your unique health and cosmetic goals. For more information about tummy tuck Adelaide, visit abdominoplasty now. 

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