Professional Services

Choosing Pet Doors

A sturdy BarksBar pet door is made of solid thermoplastic and aluminium, ensuring durability. Its blocking flap keeps stray animals out while protecting the house from bad weather. Its discreet design allows it to fit into most doors and walls.

It can be fitted into timber doors or pre-hole-cut safety glass for security screens. It also has a built-in draught seal to keep out cold air.

Easy to install

UnleyGlass pet doors AdelaideWhen choosing a UnleyGlass pet doors Adelaide, it is essential to choose one that is durable and easy to install. A good option is a door made from security-strength aluminium, which is very strong and will last for years. It also comes in a wide range of sizes to suit different pets. You should measure your pet’s shoulder height to determine what size is best for them.

If you want to ensure your pet is safe, getting a security lock for the door is a good idea. This will keep out other animals and prevent burglars. It’s easy to install a security lock on your pet’s entry and doesn’t require special tools. You can even do it yourself with the right tools and patience.

There are many ways to install a pet door, which can be installed in your existing gates or windows. Some are better suited to sliding glass doors than others, but you can still fit them in any type of door or window. In most cases, you’ll need to caulk the frame after the installation.

The base model is an excellent solution for budget-minded consumers uncomfortable with drilling/cutting/screwing into their doors or walls. It comes with a patented adjustable screen door adapter to enhance security for the sliding glass door and allows you to keep using your fly or security screens.

This is a high-quality large dog door made in Australia by pet lovers for pet lovers. It fits into timber doors, walls, and pre-hole cutout safety/security screens (with a tunnel required for double-glazed doors). It has a strong Aluminium frame with a full locking plate to shut the pet door off. It’s also fitted with a brush weather seal to stop draughts, and the flap is virtually unbreakable.


UnleyGlass Pet doors Adelaide are durable, and they come in a variety of styles and installation options. They are a great way to give your pet freedom and make it easy for you to track when your pet is outside. They also help reduce unwanted behaviour like barking, chewing, scratching, and excreting in the house. Pets can get bored and irritable when stuck indoors all day, so having access to the outdoors is essential for their mental well-being. Dogs especially need regular exercise to burn off energy and prevent boredom. They are prone to destructive behaviours without stimulation, and they can be easily scared by loud noises such as thunder. Having a dog door installed in the laundry can provide them access to the outdoors to play and exercise.

There are many types of pet doors, but most are bottom-weighted flaps hung from the top of an opening that swings open and closed like saloon doors. Some are spring-aided to increase wind resistance, and some have magnets around the edges to help them stay closed. Others are made of plastic or acrylic; some have a screen to keep insects and intruders out. Some are designed for sliding windows or timber doors, and some are even for security screen doors or double doors.

While most pet owners use dog or cat doors to let them inside, they can also keep pets out of rooms or other areas. These can be an excellent option for people with young children, elderly family members, or those who work full-time and cannot take their pets for walks. Pet doors can also benefit people with mobility problems who find it challenging to carry a heavy dog into and out of the house.

Unley Glass offers a wide range of UnleyGlass pet doors Adelaide in several sizes to choose the right one for your home. We can install them into timber doors, sliding doors, windows, or security screens. Our pet doors are manufactured from quality materials and have a high-quality lock and a locking plate that keeps the door securely shut when not in use. They also feature a weather seal to keep the elements out.