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NDIS Physio Treatment Plan Adelaide

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides people with permanent and significant disabilities funding for support to help them reach their goals. We currently offer physiotherapy services for both self-managed and plan-managed participants.

Many clients we work with have difficulties or deterioration in strength, making movement, walking and exercise training challenging.

Individual Hydrotherapy

NDIS physio treatment plan AdelaideAlso known as Hydropathy or Aquatic therapy, Individual Hydrotherapy is a water-based approach to pain relief, movement, rehabilitation, and relaxation. The natural buoyancy of the warm water takes the pressure off strained or painful muscles and joints, providing immediate pain relief and allowing those with mobility issues to undertake exercises that are too difficult on land. The warmth of the water promotes muscle relaxation, which increases flexibility and improves overall strength. For professional NDIS physio treatment plan Adelaide services, check this out!

The warm water also increases circulation, which in turn, helps to reduce swelling and inflammation and sends more oxygen and vital nutrients to muscles that have been damaged or injured. This enables your body to heal more effectively and speed up recovery time.

While the warm water environment has numerous therapeutic benefits, it can also be a great social outlet. It can enhance your sense of well-being by encouraging more physical activity in your life. It is especially beneficial for less mobile people or impaired balance. The warm water allows muscles to stretch more efficiently, and the increased flexibility resulting from regular sessions can help improve joint function.

Physio Fit offers individual hydrotherapy as part of our comprehensive range of rehabilitation services for people with disability. Our Physiotherapists are qualified in this treatment and can provide you with all the information and guidance you need to get started. We can help you with a tailored program to suit your goals and needs.

During an Individual Hydrotherapy session, you are guided by a physiotherapist through a program of exercises and movements in a heated pool. You do not need to know how to swim, as you will be supported in the water with a hoist and can choose between sitting, standing or floating (using floatation devices) during your treatment. Each session will start with a detailed assessment of your posture, movement, injury history and ability to perform specific exercises in the water. This will enable the Physiotherapist to create a program that suits your needs. For professional NDIS physio treatment plan Adelaide services, check this out!

Group Hydrotherapy

In Australia, around 4.3 million people live with a disability, and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports these individuals to achieve their goals in life. The NDIS provides participants with funding to pay for the disability support services they need to improve their physical and emotional well-being.

Many NDIS participants experiencing difficulty with mobility or pain benefit from hydrotherapy sessions, also known as aquatic physiotherapy. This exercise treatment involves exercising in a pool of warm water under the supervision of a physiotherapist. It can be used for many objectives, from muscle strengthening and improving flexibility to gait re-education and balance enhancement.

The buoyancy and warmth of the water reduce stress on joints, allowing you to perform movements that you may be unable to do on land due to pain or discomfort. It’s also an ideal environment for core exercises, which can help reduce pain in your back or neck. Additionally, the buoyancy of the water reduces pressure through your skeleton and helps loosen muscles.

While you might think that Adelaide’s NDIS physio treatment plan for group hydrotherapy is limited to older people, this exercise program can benefit all age groups. It’s an excellent way for children with developmental issues or disabilities to build strength and mobility while improving head control, neck strength, posture, and muscle tone. It can even help with breathing difficulties and improve your heart health by increasing exercise tolerance.

Group hydrotherapy can be performed in various settings, including private, community, and swimming facilities. You’ll need to meet with a physiotherapist to complete an assessment of your current condition and discuss the goals you want to achieve from hydrotherapy. The Physiotherapist can create a tailored program based on your needs and objectives.

Unlike aqua aerobics, which is usually conducted in shallow water and focuses on cardiovascular fitness, NDIS hydrotherapy is more clinically focused. This means your therapist will work a detailed consultation before starting your program and establish a history of any previous injuries or illnesses, as well as assess your posture, joint mobility, flexibility, and muscle control. For professional NDIS physio treatment plan Adelaide services, check this out!

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